Eczema is not a single condition but a group of skin conditions with various types such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, hand eczema, neurodermatitis, nummular eczema, and stasis dermatitis. Eczema is common in young children and is becoming more prevalent, a bit like everything else!. Although some may outgrow it, it can come and go throughout life. Identifying triggers and learning how to treat eczema is vital. Many causes and risk factors contribute to eczema such as genetics, allergies, dry or sensitive skin, immune system dysfunction, environmental conditions, chronic stress, and temperature changes.
Articles by Paul Horstermans
Articles by Paul Horstermans
Thai Cuisine Turned my Brain on
19 April 2023

It was a sun-soaked summer day in 1997 when I first discovered the amazing taste of Thai food, which I mainly consumed at the street stalls or places where the locals went having their meal. Growing up, I had always been a picky eater, sticking to familiar dishes and flavours. Many of you guys probably ate the same dishes as I did. A meal always included (mashed) potatoes, some veggies and some meat. (This was before vegan food became popular) It was my first solo-trip to Thailand. I mainly explored the northeastern region, by the Thais known as Esarn. So, on this day, I was feeling adventurous and was willing to expand my narrow culinary mind trying something completely new.
Ashwagandha & Sleep – An Experiment
5 April 2023

There is a ton of information available on the internet about virtually every supplement known to man. Just one Google search and you’ll be overloaded with benefits, side effects and how to use it. The problem is often that it’s just literature or the same websites repeating similar information without analysing it. General information is fine. But before you begin, it is also helpful to read about some personal experiences. At least, for me that is often what the deciding factor is. It is most-likely less scientific, but if 1 person had a great experience that is important for me and often it’s enough convincing me giving it a try.
Pueraria Mirifica – A Botanical Wonder
31 March 2023

Today, I want to talk about Pueraria Mirifica, the miracle herb from Asia. I’ve heard so many positive things about this extraordinary plant. There is so much to learn about this medicinal plant species and I discovered that recent research has discovered many more health benefits. So, I think now it is the right time for an update! Pueraria Mirifica is an ancient herbal medicine from “The Land of Smiles”. I call it the miracle herb as that is what Mirifica means. Since Ancient times, the roots of this plant have been used in traditional Thai medicine to promote youthfulness and rejuvenation in both men and women. Now, we all could need some of that!