Articles by Paul Horstermans

Articles by Paul Horstermans

Paul Horstermans is a Dutch national living in Chiang Mai, Thailand. One of the worlds greatest locations for Super-fruits, Powerful Herbs and unique cuisine. A close friend of Tom's since the early 2000's. Paul developed a keen interest in natural health and has extensive knowledge on Plant Medicines and Psychology. He has authored a multitude of online articles featuring ancient herbs, mushrooms, fruits, and super-foods. Paul is consistently delving into new medicinal herbs, local medicines in North Thailand and conducting extensive research on their benefits. He's a walking encyclopaedia for music and enjoys to be in nature with his family.

Fulvic Acid – The Miracle Molecule

7 June 2023
The Miracle Molecule
Fulvic Acid is a yellow to dark brown coloured substance that is derived from humus, which is the organic component of soil, sediment, and other natural sources such as peat and coal. It is a natural compound that is known for its ability to improve nutrient uptake in plants and help them grow and develop optimally. Fulvic Acid is also used in dietary supplements and other health products due to its purported health benefits, which include enhanced energy levels, improved immune function, and reduced inflammation among others. It is a highly complex and versatile compound that contains a variety of organic acids, minerals, and other nutrients that are essential for healthy soil and plant growth. Fulvic Acid is present sand, clay, mud and mountain rocks. It can have different qualities depending on where it is sourced from. Fulvic Acid from Israeli sand may have different qualities than Canadian peat moss or mountain rock in the state of Colorado, for example.

Forest Bathing & Grounding, Eudaimonic Wellbeing, Sit Spot and Digital Detox

3 June 2023
Forest Bathing & Grounding
Forest Bathing, also known as Shinrin-Yoku, is a practice originating from Japan that involves walking slowly and leisurely through the woods or forest, immersing oneself in the natural environment and mindfully using all five senses. The term "grounding" is often associated with Forest Bathing and Forest Therapy, but its meaning depends on the context used.

Reduce Your Impact on the Environment while Travelling

3 June 2023
Reduce Your Impact
As someone who loves to travel, I've made it a priority to do so in a way that's environmentally- friendly. The trend of eco-travel is rapidly gaining popularity as individuals and groups seek to explore the world in a sustainable manner. Eco-travel offers a unique opportunity for adventure-seekers to discover off-the-beaten-path destinations and indulge in an authentic, eco-friendly travel experience. By avoiding tourist traps and giving back to local communities, overseas adventure travel becomes a fulfilling and transformative experience.

Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Wellness & Healing

2 June 2023
After some reflection and investigation, I discovered that Ayurveda is often presented in a rigid and unintuitive manner, which is a departure from its original purpose as a nurturing and health-promoting science. This made me consider my own experiences with Ayurveda. I learned intuitively through immersion, much like one acquires a first language effortlessly. This realisation led me to the conclusion that Ayurveda ought to be shared as a comprehensive set of principles that can be applied holistically, as opposed to a list of practices or prescriptions.

Thai Traditional Healing: A Way of Life for Body & Mind

29 May 2023
Thai Traditional Healing
When people hear of Thailand, they may immediately associate it with relaxing Thai massages at luxurious spas. Yet, the country's healthcare tradition extends far beyond this. In recent times, there has been a growing interest in natural and traditional healing methods, with people of all ages seeking holistic approaches to better their overall health. Thailand's centuries-old traditional healing system is gaining recognition among renowned healthcare institutions, including the World Health Organization. Anyone can learn more about and integrate Thai medicine into their lives as it is easily found in various forms in pharmacies and traditional health centres.