Articles by Paul Horstermans

Articles by Paul Horstermans

Paul Horstermans is a Dutch national living in Chiang Mai, Thailand. One of the worlds greatest locations for Super-fruits, Powerful Herbs and unique cuisine. A close friend of Tom's since the early 2000's. Paul developed a keen interest in natural health and has extensive knowledge on Plant Medicines and Psychology. He has authored a multitude of online articles featuring ancient herbs, mushrooms, fruits, and super-foods. Paul is consistently delving into new medicinal herbs, local medicines in North Thailand and conducting extensive research on their benefits. He's a walking encyclopaedia for music and enjoys to be in nature with his family.

Costa Rica: My Enchanting Escape into Nature's Arms

30 August 2023
Costa Rica
Wouldn’t you like to step away from the mundane and embark on an unforgettable eco-adventure in the lush embrace of Costa Rica? This tropical paradise is bursting with biodiversity and endless natural treasures. I explored this awe-inspiring, small Central American nation in 2002, and man! What a great time I had! Costa Rica is stunningly nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

Unveiling Royal Jelly's Powerful Benefits

29 August 2023
Unveiling Royal Bee Jelly
Stanford University scientists have stumbled upon something truly mesmerising: Royalactin, the Royal Jelly's secret weapon responsible for turning the queen bee into a growth titan. But guess what? This enchanting protein doesn't stop there! It also possesses the magical ability to keep a mouse’s embryonic stem cells forever young by thwarting their pesky inclination to grow up and become tissue.

Soursop: A Tropical Journey to Health & Wellness!

24 August 2023
A Tropical Journey
Soursop the Megalithic Super Fruit of Health, giving benefits from its leaves and fruit. Get ready to have your taste buds tickled and your health game elevated with the remarkable Soursop Leaves. Yes, you heard it right – those broad green leaves you've been stepping over in your backyard have secretly been holding the secret to an extraordinary healthy lifestyle.

Psyllium Husk - Gut Health Hack

22 August 2023
Gut Health Hack
Good digestion the unsung hero of our daily adventures through the magical land of food. Imagine that you stroll into a fancy restaurant, ready to indulge in a gastronomic extravaganza. Your taste buds are throbbing with anticipation, but little do they know that it's your digestive system that holds the ultimate power. Having a well-oiled engine of digestion is like having a secret weapon in your back pocket.

Shower Filters: Cleaning Your Life

18 August 2023
Cleaning Your Life
Oh! The joys of being exposed to contaminated water every day! It's like having a personal water park that's hell-bent on destroying our well-being. Our bodies go on a rollercoaster ride of misery, courtesy of these invisible contaminants. From the moment we take that first sip, we unwittingly invite a troupe of stomach bugs, bacteria, and all sorts of nasty stuff to party in our digestive system.