I first came to Auric Fields when I was learning about Chakras and these energy centres over 10 years ago and I came to see that understanding the Auric field offers profound insights into the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and spirit. By exploring the Aura we can gain deeper awareness of our own personal energy, identify areas of imbalance, and potentially improve overall well-being.
Articles by Georgia Thomas
Articles by Georgia Thomas
Tried & Tested Recipes with Ancient Purity’s Products
14 December 2024

I’m going to take this article today and make it all about various different recipes! This will cover a wide array of our products for which I will link and then discuss briefly the different health benefits that particular product may bring. There are various articles on our products so if you wanted to dive deeper into any of the mentioned products then please do, I just thought it handy to have this information in one specific place; my idea with this, so close to Christmas, is to have one place that we can all go (myself included) that covers all basis of the different gifts we may be lucky enough to receive this winter period, or gift others, with helpful ways in which to use them all.
The Growth of the Sober Socialisation Movement
7 December 2024

I don’t know about you but this latest ‘trend’ really excites me! The concept of a ‘Sober Society’ that encourages more and more events, meetings, parties etc, all with ZERO alcohol involved! Now I know to some this sounds incredibly boring and tedious, which is why we shall explore the idea of normalising a more Sober society and encouraging Sober meet-ups; there are SO many benefits to giving alcohol a back seat and letting new ideas for gathering take front and centre!
Understanding Methylated Folate (5-MTHF)
29 November 2024

I will definitely be amongst many when I confess I absolutely never heard of Methylated Folate during pregnancy, because all you’re ever recommended and hear about is Folic Acid. So when I heard a friend mention Methylated Folate during her pregnancy I had to find out more about it and understand it better. I wanted to increase my awareness as I didn’t feel there was enough awareness at all on Methylated Folate, so that here is my intention today; by the end of this article I hope you will be familiar with Methylated Folate, what it’s health benefits are and how we can use it in our lives not just for pregnancy, but for many other health related reasons also.
Time Alone is Time Well Spent
23 November 2024

How do you really feel about the concept of spending time on your own? I have heard so many different answers to this question. And I think an element of the answer could depend on which stage of life you are in of course and your unique circumstances. For example, teenagers generally like to socialise and be around others perhaps more than those in their 30’s after a long day at work who would want nothing more than an evening to themselves and to NOT socialise at all – speaking from experience of course, and certainly not meaning to paint us all with the same brush.