Auric Fields & Understanding The Influences on Your Energy
I first came to Auric Fields when I was learning about Chakras and these energy centres over 10 years ago and I came to see that understanding the Auric field offers profound insights into the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and spirit. By exploring the Aura we can gain deeper awareness of our own personal energy, identify areas of imbalance, and potentially improve overall well-being. Knowledge of Auric fields empowers us to better manage interactions with others too, which can help us to create healthier relationships and I think, can help promote empathy.
The Auric field, often referred to as the Aura, is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds all living beings. Rooted in ancient spiritual traditions and increasingly explored in modern energy sciences, the Aura is said to reflect not only physical health but also emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. While often invisible to the naked eye, many cultures and practitioners believe that the Auric field interacts constantly with our internal state and external environment. In this article, we will delve into the nature of Auric fields, discuss their importance in maintaining a balanced life, and explore why this information is essential for anyone seeking personal growth, emotional resilience, and a deeper connection to the world around them. Whether you are a good old sceptic (I think we all can be to one degree or another about some things) or a seasoned believer, the exploration of Auric fields provides valuable perspectives that can enrich your understanding of energy and its role in everyday life and well, as we’ll see, everything.

What Are Auras & Auric Fields?
Auras are subtle energy fields surrounding living beings and, in some interpretations, objects. They are often depicted as layers of light or energy that extend and emanate from the body, sometimes described as having different colours or frequencies associated with emotions, thoughts, and physical health. The Auric field refers to the entirety of this energetic envelope and has multiple layers, each connected to specific aspects of well-being (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual).
Richard Rudd, the founder of the Gene Keys, offers profound insights into Auric fields and energy centres, emphasising their significance in human consciousness and evolution. Rudd describes the Aura as a "multi-dimensional body" that serves as a broad-spectrum electromagnetic field emanating from and grounded by the physical body. This field acts like a prism, refracting various wavebands of light and reflecting one's physiological and emotional state at any given moment; I LOVE his perspective and description of Auric fields. By meditating or concentrating on the Aura, we can refine its frequency, positively impacting our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As the frequency of the Aura rises, its magnetic power expands, which enables us to transform our environment and influence those around us. Rudd's teachings suggest that by understanding and working with our Auric fields and energy centres, we can influence our DNA, elevate our consciousness, and foster a deeper connection with the universe.

Layers of the Auric Field
The Auric field is typically described as having seven layers, corresponding to the chakras in many spiritual traditions. They are:
- Physical/Etheric Layer: Closest to the body, associated with physical health.
- Emotional Layer: Reflects feelings and emotional well-being of course.
- Mental Layer: Relates to thoughts and cognitive patterns.
- Astral Layer: Associated with relationships and love.
- Etheric Template: A blueprint of the physical body in the energy realm.
- Celestial Layer: Connected to intuition and spiritual awareness.
- Causal Layer: Represents the connection to universal consciousness or divine purpose.
I will also now show you the seven chakras or, energy centres, starting from the bottom and working our way up. These are:
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Location: Base of the spine
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Attributes: Stability, grounding, survival, and physical identity
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
Location: Below the navel
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Attributes: Creativity, emotions, pleasure, and sexual energy
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Location: Upper abdomen
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Attributes: Confidence, personal power, and self-esteem
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Location: Centre of the chest
Colour: Green (sometimes pink)
Element: Air
Attributes: Love, compassion, and emotional balance
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Location: Throat
Colour: Blue
Element: Ether (Space)
Attributes: Communication, truth, and self-expression
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows
Colour: Indigo
Element: Light
Attributes: Intuition, perception, and insight
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Location: Top of the head
Colour: Violet or White
Element: Cosmic Energy
Attributes: Spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher consciousness

The Importance of Auras for Well-Being
Understanding Auras and Auric fields I believe can be significant for many reasons. For example we can monitor our health via witnessing discolorations in the Auric field (with specialised equipment)! Discolouration may be able to indicate emotional imbalances or physical illness before symptoms manifest in the body. The Auric field is highly sensitive to emotions, both our own and those of others. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness can penetrate and disturb the Auric layers, leading to emotional imbalance and stress. By protecting your Auric field, you create a buffer against these external emotional influences, maintaining as best you can, inner peace and stability. Auras reflect emotional states also. Becoming aware of these energies can help us manage stress, anxiety, or other emotions more effectively. In spiritual traditions, a clear and balanced Aura is seen as essential for growth, intuition, and higher states of consciousness. Interactions between different Auras can influence our relationships/relating, with harmonious energy fields yielding more positive connections and discordant ones causing friction. But a strong Auric field is thought to protect against negative energy, whether from environments or other people’s influences.
The Auric field connects us to higher states of consciousness and spiritual realms. A strong, protected Aura enhances our ability to connect with our higher selves, helping our spiritual growth and awareness. Negative thought patterns and mental stress can cloud the Auric field, leading to confusion and lack of focus. By shielding your Aura, you enhance mental clarity and cognitive function, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges.

The Importance of Protecting Your Auric Field & Methods on How To
In our modern, very 3D world, the concept of an Auric field often escapes the attention it deserves. Yet, understanding and safeguarding this invisible shield can significantly enhance your well-being, emotional stability, and overall health. The Auric field, an energetic halo surrounding the physical body, serves as a protective barrier against external influences. Let’s have a look at some methods to care for your Auric field:
Mindful Practices: Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises help strengthen and cleanse your Auric field. Regular practice of these activities promotes energy flow, clears out negative influences and promotes inner balance and mental clarity.
Energy Healing Techniques: Practices like Reiki, acupuncture, crystal healing, chakra balancing and sound healing aim to restore harmony in the Auric field. Regular sessions with a skilled practitioner can help maintain a strong and healthy Aura.
Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular physical activity contribute to a robust Auric field and strengthen the physical and etheric layers. Avoiding toxins, such as alcohol and processed foods can also prevent disruptions in your energy system.
Spending Time in Nature: Helps ground and cleanse the energy field. Grounding, or earthing, involves connecting with the earth's energy by walking barefoot on natural surfaces or visualising roots extending from your body into the ground. This practice helps to stabilise your Auric field and disperses excess or negative energy right back into Mother Earth. Alchemy.
Visualisation: Imagining light surrounding your body can protect and energise the Aura. Imagine a bright, white light enveloping you, creating a barrier that repels other people’s negative energy and attracts others that are vibrating at a similar frequency to your own. Visualising this protective shield around your body can reinforce your Auric field’s strength and resilience.
Environmental Awareness: Being mindful of your surroundings and the people you interact with can significantly impact your Auric field. Place yourself in as many positive environments as you can and be around individuals who lift/light you up and support you.

Being Affected By Others Energy
If your Auric field is influenced by another person, you may experience subtle or significant shifts in your emotional, mental, or physical state. These effects are often linked to the energy that the other person projects, whether positive or negative. Positive Interactions leave us feeling uplifted! Being around someone with positive energy might make you feel happier, more motivated, or calmer. You might also feel revitalised and inspired, as if their presence has “charged” you, CHANGED you even. Harmonious interactions can lead to feelings of inner balance and clarity. Negative Interaction exposure might leave you feeling drained, anxious, or irritable. You could feel physical symptoms such as fatigue, heaviness, or even minor physical discomfort, like headaches or tension. You might notice abrupt shifts in your mood, such as sudden sadness or anger, without a clear cause. If someone’s energy is particularly chaotic or dominant, it may create feelings of being overwhelmed or mentally scattered.
Why Does This Happen? – Energy exchanges occur when Auras overlap or interact. Factors influencing this include our empathy levels – highly empathetic or sensitive individuals are more likely to absorb the energy of others. Also, other people's emotions and intentions, as well as other people's emotional states can impact our own energy, whether that be positive or negative (whether they intend it or not), regardless it can affect how your Auric field responds. Our energy is majorly affected by our environment and the people in it, wouldn’t you agree? If we’re a part of a tense or harmonious environment, we can really feel it and it can really influence our behaviour, feelings and emotions. If someone’s energy consistently affects you negatively, consider limiting interaction or using protective techniques when engaging with them. Understanding these effects can help you maintain your emotional and physical balance. It also allows you to consciously choose the energy you expose yourself to, helping you to create healthier relationships and environments. So whoever that person is that you’ve perhaps been envisioning whilst reading this, address this! Don’t ignore it, ask yourself why you feel that they drain you, or you leave them feeling completely depleted… it happens, it’s real. One thing I have learned over the years is, we can not change other people, but we can change how we react to them and where we choose to spend our time.

Dr Joe Dispenza
One of my favourites, Dr Joe Dispenza, emphasises the importance of the Auric field and energetic coherence in his teachings, tying these concepts beautifully to well-being and transformation. He explains that the body and brain operate as interconnected energy systems, with each emitting electromagnetic signals. The quality of these signals, whether coherent (organised) or incoherent (disorganised), affects overall health and the ability to create change in one's life. His testimonials are insane, check them out if and when you can. Here are a few of his main focuses regarding the Aura:
Heart & Brain Coherence: Dr Joe teaches that aligning the heart and brain into a state of coherence produces a strong electromagnetic field, extending several feet from the body. This field acts as a "broadcast" of your intentions and emotions, influencing your external reality. By cultivating elevated emotions such as love or gratitude and pairing them with clear intentions, you enhance your ability to manifest desired outcomes through this Auric influence.
Energy as Frequency: According to Dr Joe, energy operates at different frequencies, each carrying information. When energy frequencies are low or incoherent, it can lead to physical, emotional, or mental imbalances. High-frequency coherent energy supports health, clarity, and creative potential.
Meditation & Biophotonic Emissions: His research shows that practices like meditation can increase biophotonic emissions (light energy emitted by the body) suggesting an enhanced and more coherent Auric field. This coherence is linked to improved health and emotional well-being.
Dr Joe underscores that tuning your energy field involves practices such as meditation, emotional regulation, and visualisation, enabling individuals to "broadcast" positive energy into the quantum field (go see what he means by this) and synchronise with favourable potentials in their life. For further details, you can explore more on his official website, including research on heart and brain coherence and his methods of energy alignment through meditation. These insights connect personal energy fields with broader impacts on physical and emotional health. His work is incredible.

“Everything is Energy” – have you ever heard this before? It’s been widely attributed to Albert Einstein when he made the famous quote in a 1938 essay, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” – Albert Einstein did not explicitly say, "Everything is energy." However, the phrase is often paraphrased or attributed to him based on the foundational principles of his theories, particularly E=mc² from his theory of relativity. This famous equation demonstrates the equivalence of mass (m) and energy (E), implying that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa, fundamentally tying the two concepts together. And everything IS energy. Emotions are energy – E-Motion, energy IN motion… Seriously guys, this stuff isn’t just a play on words, it is real.
Protecting your Auric field is more important than ever. By understanding the significance of this energetic shield and adopting practices to safeguard it, you can enhance your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, and very likely fall in love with yourself in the process. So embrace the power of your Auric field and nurture it as a vital aspect of your health. Start being intentional with whom you spend your energy and where. You’ll notice huge differences I promise if you start becoming aware of where your energy is leaking. Looking after your Aura is a profound, EASY start to protecting your energy, so do it, start here, start now, and let it be easy.
“Our Auric field is the unseen and silent messenger of our inner truth and vitality” – Janell Rae
“For while you judge externally, there can be no peace internally, and your Auric field will continue to carry patterns of chaos and disharmony” – Rev. Stephanie Red Feather PH.D