Aluminium Detox
5 March 2024

Aluminium Detox: Silica & Other Tools

I had to write this quickly today because someone asked me for advice on dealing with aluminium poisoning. Now, I believe this should be expanded into an article instead of just a short response. In today's world, where environmental pollutants loom large, the imperative for effective detoxification methods has reached unprecedented levels. Among the myriad toxins posing threats to our well-being, aluminium stands out due to its suspected associations with serious health issues, including Alzheimer's disease.

Renowned expert Dr. Christopher Exley has shed light on the path forward in the fight against aluminium toxicity, advocating for organic silica as a powerful ally. I came across his work while researching Organic Living Silica and its effects, which fascinated me. I revisited my notes on Aluminium Detox and decided to summarise what I have, incorporating this new and effective tool for detoxing aluminium. Now let's go into what can happen to us and what to do.

Menace of Aluminium

Understanding the Menace of Aluminium

Aluminium is omnipresent in our daily lives, lurking in commonplace items such as cookware and packaging materials. Its gradual buildup within the body has been implicated in various health maladies, notably cognitive issues. Dr. Exley's groundbreaking investigations have spotlighted the alarming nexus between elevated aluminium levels and the onset of neurological afflictions. While aluminium's presence may seem innocuous, mounting evidence suggests otherwise. Research has linked aluminium exposure to a myriad of health concerns, ranging from neurological disorders to certain types of cancer.

Of particular concern is its suspected role in Alzheimer's disease—a progressive neurological condition that exacts a heavy toll on individuals and families alike. Compounding the challenge is aluminium's ability to accumulate within the body over time, often without overt symptoms. Unlike acute poisoning, where symptoms manifest rapidly, chronic aluminium exposure can masquerade under the guise of subtle health complaints—fatigue, cognitive fog, or musculoskeletal discomfort—making it difficult to pinpoint the culprit.

Promise of Silica

The Promise of Silica

Dr. Christopher Exley, a preeminent authority on aluminium toxicity, has delved deep into the benefits of organic silica. His findings underscore the transformative potential of silica supplementation in combatting aluminium toxicity. According to Dr. Exley, augmenting the body's silica levels significantly bolsters its innate capacity to rid itself of aluminium. Organic silica, (sometimes called Living Silica) emerges as a beacon of hope in the quest to counter aluminium toxicity. Dr. Exley underscores this compound's pivotal role in effectively expelling aluminium from the body. Silica acts as a chelating agent, forming bonds with aluminium and facilitating its expulsion through the body's natural processes.

Dr. Exley's pioneering work underscores the potential of silica supplementation to invigorate the body's natural detoxification pathways, offering a holistic approach to wellness. As we navigate the challenges of contemporary living, embracing organic silica in our health regimens may herald a proactive stride towards a detoxified and rejuvenated state of being.

Exposure to Aluminium

Ways to Reduce Exposure to Aluminium

Opt for Aluminium-Free Cookware: When it comes to cooking, choosing the right utensils can make a world of difference. Opt for cookware made from stainless steel, cast iron, glass, or ceramic materials, which are free from aluminium coatings or additives. These alternatives not only minimise the risk of aluminium leaching into your food but also offer durable and versatile options for meal preparation.

Mindful Personal Care Choices: From deodorants to antacids, many personal care products contain aluminium compounds like aluminium chloride or aluminium hydroxide. To reduce exposure, opt for aluminium-free alternatives in your personal care routine. Look for natural deodorants that use ingredients like baking soda, arrowroot powder, or magnesium hydroxide to combat odor without relying on aluminium-based compounds. Similarly, explore toothpaste, antiperspirants, and cosmetics labeled as aluminium-free to promote a healthier body care regimen.

Choose Aluminium-Free Food Packaging: Aluminium is commonly used in food packaging, especially in cans and foil wrappers. To minimise exposure, opt for fresh, whole foods whenever possible. Don't eat from packets or tins but when purchasing packaged goods, look for alternatives packaged in glass, paper, or cardboard rather than aluminium containers.

Embrace Aluminium-Free Cooking Techniques: In addition to choosing aluminium-free cookware, incorporating alternative cooking techniques can further reduce exposure. Steaming, baking, roasting, and grilling are excellent options that minimise the need for aluminium foil or pans. When using foil, avoid direct contact with acidic foods or high temperatures, as these conditions can increase the risk of aluminium leaching.

Other Side Effects

The Other Effects of Taking Living Silica

Silica is renowned for its ability to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. As a key component of collagen, silica supports the structural integrity of the skin, helping to maintain elasticity and suppleness. By enhancing collagen synthesis, organic living silica contributes to smoother, firmer skin, while also promoting hair strength and nail resilience. It plays a vital role in maintaining bone density and strength, making it essential for bone health and fracture prevention. By stimulating the production of osteoblasts—the cells responsible for bone formation—silica contributes to the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. Furthermore, silica's lubricating properties support joint flexibility and mobility, making it beneficial for individuals seeking to support joint health and alleviate discomfort.

Connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and cartilage rely on silica for optimal function and resilience. Silica promotes the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are essential components of connective tissue matrix. By bolstering connective tissue integrity, organic living silica supports joint health, flexibility, and overall structural integrity. Collagen, often referred to as the body's scaffolding, is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity, joint flexibility, and tissue repair. Silica plays a pivotal role in collagen synthesis, facilitating the cross-linking of collagen fibres and promoting tissue regeneration. By enhancing collagen production, organic living silica supports youthful skin, healthy joints, and overall tissue repair and renewal.

Connective tissues

I could make an article on each tool to get rid of Aluminium, one day I will, but get on the Living Silica and look into, or add some of the following. I'm going suggest using Zeolite, Bentonite Clay, C60 Charcoal and EDTA (short term with Multi) Those are the powerhouses with Living Silica and they're all available at Ancient Purity but let's understand exactly why these things work.

Zeolite & Bentonite Clay

Both are naturally occurring minerals renowned for their remarkable ability to absorb and trap toxins, heavy metals, and impurities. Zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates with a porous structure that enables them to bind with a wide range of toxins, while bentonite clay, also known as montmorillonite clay, is a highly absorbent clay formed from volcanic ash. Both zeolite and bentonite clay possess a strong negative charge, which allows them to attract and bind with positively charged toxins, including aluminium ions. Once bound, these toxins are effectively trapped within the porous structure of the minerals, preventing their reabsorption by the body and facilitating their safe elimination through the digestive tract. In addition to their ability to trap aluminium, zeolite and bentonite clay also support overall detoxification processes in the body. By absorbing toxins and impurities from the digestive tract, these minerals help lighten the burden on the liver and kidneys, allowing these vital organs to function more efficiently in eliminating toxins from the body.


EDTA circulates through the bloodstream, where it selectively binds with aluminium ions and other heavy metals present in the body. Once bound, these metal-EDTA complexes are rendered water-soluble, allowing them to be excreted via the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract. By removing aluminium from the body, EDTA helps reduce the burden of metal toxicity and may alleviate associated health issues.

Spirulina & Chlorella

Chlorella, a nutrient-rich freshwater algae, is revered for its ability to bind with heavy metals, including aluminium, and facilitate their elimination from the body. Rich in chlorophyll, chlorella promotes detoxification by supporting liver function and enhancing the body's natural detox pathways. Incorporating chlorella supplements or adding powdered chlorella to smoothies and juices can aid in aluminium detoxification and promote overall wellness. Spirulina, a blue-green algae packed with nutrients, boasts impressive detoxifying capabilities. Rich in chlorophyll, spirulina supports liver function and aids in the elimination of toxins, including heavy metals like aluminium. Adding spirulina powder to smoothies or taking spirulina supplements can aid in detoxification and promote overall health and vitality.

C60 Charcoal

C60 Charcoal

C60 charcoal, also known as fullerene charcoal, takes activated charcoal to the next level by incorporating fullerene molecules into its structure. Fullerene molecules, particularly C60 (carbon 60), possess unique properties that enhance the adsorption capabilities of activated charcoal, making it even more effective at trapping toxins, including heavy metals like aluminium. Fullerene molecules, such as C60, have a spherical structure composed of carbon atoms arranged in a cage-like configuration. This structure allows fullerene molecules to form stable complexes with a wide range of substances, including toxins and heavy metals. When incorporated into activated charcoal, C60 enhances its adsorption capacity, enabling it to effectively trap and remove aluminium and other harmful substances from the body. It provides a gentle yet effective approach to detoxification, allowing individuals to safely remove aluminium and other toxins from their system without harsh side effects.

Turmeric & Garlic

Turmeric, revered for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, offers potent support for detoxification. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been shown to enhance liver function and promote the elimination of toxins from the body. Incorporating turmeric into meals or taking turmeric supplements can aid in aluminum detoxification and support overall well-being. Garlic, known for its immune-boosting and antimicrobial properties, also possesses detoxifying benefits. Studies have shown that garlic supplementation may help enhance the body's ability to eliminate heavy metals, including aluminium. Incorporating fresh garlic into meals or taking garlic supplements can support detoxification efforts and promote overall health.

Drink Green Tea

Green tea, revered for its antioxidant properties, offers valuable support for detoxification. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant found in green tea, has been shown to enhance detoxification pathways in the body and promote the elimination of toxins, including heavy metals like aluminum. Drinking green tea regularly or taking green tea supplements can aid in detoxification and support overall wellness.