Alleviate Asthma Naturally
23 May 2023

Alleviate Asthma Naturally

Asthma inflames the airways, affecting approximately 300 million individuals worldwide, with the incidence rate increasing by 50% every decade and causing over 180,000 deaths per year. The exact cause of Asthma can vary, but viral infections, allergens, tobacco smoke, exercise, stress, and obesity are known risk factors that can trigger or worsen symptoms. Childhood "waxs" and their timing have also been linked to some cases of Asthma. However, several studies indicate that exclusive breastfeeding during the first three months after birth reduces Asthma risk by 30% due to the immunomodulatory properties of breast milk. For those currently suffering from Asthma, there are natural remedies that can help relieve symptoms. Below are some proven ways to do so.

Breathing Exercises: Numerous scientific studies reveal that breathing exercises have a therapeutic role in the treatment of this chronic illness. In one randomised controlled trial Asthma patients taught breathing exercises showed drastic improvements in their symptoms, quality of life, and emotional well-being after 6 months. Patients in a separate study were instructed in the Buteyko Breathing Method, which was named after the Russian physician who created the approach. Those who participated in Buteyko breathing exercises had a 40 to 79% increase in Asthma control and were able to decrease their use of corticosteroid inhalers significantly compared to the control group. Additionally, Asthma sufferers found therapeutic value in yoga breathing exercises. In a trial with 60 patients, half were randomly assigned to receive yoga breathing instructions and showed a statistically significant improvement in lung function and a better quality of life after two months. Another study involving 17 university students showed that yogic breathing exercises, postures, and meditation taught 3 times weekly led to improved relaxation, a more positive attitude, and a reduction in inhaler usage. The researchers concluded that incorporating yoga techniques could be beneficial in conjunction with medical treatment for Asthma. If you want to know more about Breathing, Tom wrote a comprehensive article about it.

Breathing Exercises

Turmeric: Studies indicate that 1 of the active substances in the spice Turmeric is Curcumin, which inhibits the allergic response. Other scientific research revealed that Curcumin functions by modulating or preventing oxidative stress and inflammation in the airways. In one study 77 participating patients having mild to moderate bronchial asthma were randomly assigned to 2 groups. There was 1 group receiving standard asthma treatment while the other group received standard therapy as well as 500 mg Curcumin daily. After 1 month researchers came to the conclusion that Curcumin significantly aided improve airway obstruction and indicated that Curcumin is effective and safe as an add-on therapy for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Learn more about Turmeric here.

Magnesium: A group of researchers at Brown University School of Medicine conducted a study on pediatric patients with moderate to severe Asthma to test the effectiveness of intravenous Magnesium. The study involved randomly assigning 30 patients to receive either 40 mg/kg of Magnesium Sulphate or a saline solution. Remarkably, the Magnesium group displayed significant improvement in short-term lung function just twenty minutes later. Moreover, taking Magnesium orally has shown to be effective for asthma control as well. A study published in the Journal of Asthma involved the random assignment of 55 patients to take either 340 mg of Magnesium (170 mg twice daily) or a placebo. After 6.5 months, the Magnesium group showed better bronchial reactivity, as well as better subjective measures of asthma control and quality of life. In a study from Brazil, 37 patients received inhaled fluticasone twice daily, and the Asthma drug salbutamol as needed. Half of the group also took 300 mg per day of Magnesium. After two months, the Magnesium group showed significantly improved bronchial reactivity. They also experienced fewer instances of worsening Asthma and used less salbutamol compared to the placebo group.

Vitamin D: Asthma has been connected to lower Vitamin D levels. In a research of 483 Asthmatics under the age of 15 and 483 matched controls, scientists discovered that Vitamin D deficiency was more common in Asthmatic persons. A Vitamin D review study found that this vitamin’s deficiency have various effects in the body which could affect the severity and development of Asthma. Researchers concluded that Vitamin D may boost lung function and response to steroids, and decrease airway remodeling. And in a double blind, randomised, comparative research, 140 participants received standard Asthma treatment while half received 1,000 mg of Vitamin D3 daily as well. After 6 months researchers reported that Vitamin D3 greatly enhanced the quality of life for severe Asthmatics.

Diet: A dairy elimination diet has been known to alleviate asthma symptoms for many people. According to a meta-analysis published in Nutrition Reviews, a high consumption of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of asthma and wheezing in both children and adults by up to 46%. Furthermore, a study conducted in Australia suggests that lycopene-rich supplements, such as tomato extracts, can alleviate the symptoms of Asthma, while sulforaphane, a phytochemical present in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, can act as an adjuvant treatment for Asthma.

Fish Oil: Fish Oil has also been proven in studies to reduce chronic inflammation associated with Asthma. Numerous studies reveal that Fish Oil alleviates chronic inflammation such as the one found in Asthma. In one study of 20 Asthmatics, researchers compared Fish Oil to montelukast, which is a medicine used to prevent the shortness and wheezing of breath due to Asthma. The participants were randomly assigned to receive either 10 mg of montelukast tablets or 10 Fish Oil capsules totaling 3.2 g EPA and 2.0 g DHA daily for a period of 3 weeks. Thereafter all the participants received both treatments together for another 3 weeks. Results showed that montelukast and Fish Oil were equally effective (and Fish Oil was slightly more effective) at decreasing airway inflammation. Personally we recommend Krill Oil, it's the cleanest and a good natural balance.

Pine Bark: Pine Bark Extract, Pycnogenol®, has anti-inflammatory properties and can be an effective treatment for allergic Asthma, reducing the need for medication. Pycnogenol® is a standardised extract of French maritime Pine Bark with anti-inflammatory properties. Italian researchers compared it to the use of corticosteroid inhalers for relieving Asthma symptoms. A total of 76 patients used an inhaler. Half the group also received 50 mg of Pycnogenol every morning and evening. After 6 months 55% of the Pycnogenol patients were able to reduce their inhaler use compared to only 6% of the control patients. In addition, none of the Pycnogenol patients had a worsening condition but 18.8% of the inhaler-only group deteriorated. Researchers concluded that Pycnogenol was effective for better control of allergic Asthma and reduced the need for medication. Also, Pycnogenol is effective to help manage mild-to-moderate childhood Asthma. In a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, 60 subjects, aged 6-18 years, were given either Pycnogenol or placebo. After 3 months, the Pyconogenol group had much more enhancement in lung functions and Asthma symptoms. They were also able to reduce or stop their use of rescue inhalers more often than the placebo group.

Vitamin B6: Finally, a double-blind study involving 76 Asthmatic kids revealed that a daily dose of 200 mg of Vitamin B6 can lead to considerable improvements in Asthma symptoms and decreased the use of cortisone and bronchodilators.

Pine Trees

So Paul wrote some incredible options in there but I also want to talk about something I witnessed, an ex girlfriend years ago suffered with it, quite badly at times. I had bought a very high quality Air Ioniser, producing Negative Ions, simply because I even back then was on the constant search to create the best environment inside my house. When she stayed and I switched it on she said it was amazing, incredible results and loved it. I haven't done enough research yet, and not sure if I'll have time, but I saw that it worked. Maybe you could continue and research that, let me know. Anyway I want to add in some remedies I had notes on since 2008 it looks like, on dealing with Asthma.

Ginger, which is known to minimise inflammation in the airways and relax muscles. Combining equal parts ginger juice, pomegranate juice, and honey and consuming one tablespoon of the mixture 2-3 times daily can be beneficial. Mustard oil is effective in clearing respiratory passages and facilitating normal breathing during asthma attacks. Applying a combination of warm Mustard Oil and Camphor on the chest and upper back and massaging it several times a day until the symptoms subside can do the trick, I think you can also use the Wat Pho Temple Balm we have but again I have no proof, but theoretically it can do the same. Figs help to relieve cough and excess mucus leading to easier breathing, soaking three dried figs in a cup of water overnight, eat the figs, and drink the fig water on an empty stomach for a couple of months. Garlic's potent anti-inflammatory properties can help clear congestion in the lungs during early stages of asthma; boiling 2-3 cloves in a quarter cup of milk, letting it cool to room temperature, and drinking it is an alternative remedy. The caffeine in coffee acts as a bronchodilator and assists in controlling asthma attacks; consuming hot coffee or tea is also an option. Eucalyptus Oil possesses decongestant properties that can dissolve mucus; breathing in steam from boiling 2-3 drops of pure eucalyptus oil in a pot of water is a viable remedy. Honey can provide relief to asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness, with drinking one teaspoon of honey mixed in hot water up to three times daily. Onions work as an anti-inflammatory that helps to reduce airway restriction resulting from asthma, while the quercetin in onions dissolves mucus; regular consumption can enable easier breathing. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that can decrease asthma symptoms. Drinking a glass of water mixed with half a lemon's juice regularly helps avoid asthma attacks. Carom Seeds are an effective bronchodilator that helps in clearing congestion and removing mucus buildup. Boiling one teaspoon of carom seeds in water and inhaling the steam or drinking it can benefit mild asthma.