6 Types of Bodily Tissues
7 December 2023

A Key to Regenerating 6 Types of Bodily Tissues

Prepare to have your preconceived notions about medicine and the human body shattered, all of you sceptics out there! Buckle up as we venture into the realm of ceaseless Regeneration, where the body dances with life and death in an eternal tango. You see, despite what our conventional medical wizards might have you believe, our bodies are natural-born regenerating machines. It's like our default setting - our little secret. Without the fiery spectacle of cell turnover within our magnificent vessels, the wondrous miracle that is the human body simply wouldn't exist. But alas, when illness strikes, the Regenerative wonders take a backseat to degenerative chaos. Fear not, for this is where the heroic tale of medicine swoops in, cape fluttering in the wind. With its arsenal of foods, herbs, nutrients, and some good old healing vibes, medicine aims to nudge our bodies back into the harmonious balance we crave.

Yet, in the land of medicine today, a dark cloud looms. Enter drug-based medicine, wielding chemicals devoid of any regenerative powers. Oh no, these sneaky buggers often interfere with our body's incredible self-renewal, all in the name of suppressing those pesky symptoms. It's like they're playing for the wrong team! Sure, the conventional medical system may raise an eyebrow or two at the idea of healing and Regeneration. They prefer their symptom suppression and disease management, thank you very much. But, Ancient Purity has embarked on a daring adventure, scouring the mysterious depths of scientific research, unearthing a treasure trove of mind-blowing studies that challenge this status quo. All truth-seekers please join me on this quest, as we journey through a realm where healing and Regeneration are the true warriors. Let us defy the sceptics and embrace the grandeur of spontaneous remission. Brace yourselves, for we are about to write the next chapter in the epic saga of medicine, one regenerate line at a time.

Nerve Regeneration

Nerve Regeneration… Nature's Recipe for Rebooting Your Brain! Brace yourself, my brainiac buddies, because there's a whole smorgasbord of natural wonders out there with the power to Regenerate those precious nerve cells. You won't believe what researchers have uncovered! Imagine this: a team of mad scientists (aka researchers) stumbled upon a mind-boggling study, published in the prestigious journal Rejuvenation Research back in 2010. And what did they find? Brace yourselves for this thrilling combo folks: blueberry, green tea, and a dash of carnosine. Yup, this trio of awesomeness has been proven to be neuritogenic, meaning it can magically jump-start neuronal Regeneration like a boss! But wait, there's more! Other cool cats in the neuritogenic game include:

  • Turmeric
  • Ashwaganda
  • Coffee ((trigonelline)
  • Ginseng
  • Lion's Mane Mushroom
  • Royal Jelly
  • Red Sage
  • Resveratrol
  • Blueberry
  • Huperzine
  • Theanine
  • Natto
  • Apigenin (Compound in veggies like celery)

Move over, basic nerve-healing substances! There's a whole new class in town called remyelinating compounds. These bad boys know how to whip those protective sheaths around axons, known as myelin, back into shape. You know those annoying neurological injuries and dysfunctions? Yeah, they like to mess with our myelin, especially those trouble-makers autoimmune and vaccine-induced demyelination disorders. But hey, wait!! We've got some wild cards up our sleeve. Now, brace yourself for some mind-boggling information. Did you know that even music and falling head over heels in love can possibly sprout some brand new neurons? That's right, folks! It turns out Regenerative medicine isn't just about popping pills or swigging potions. Oh no, it's a whole range of therapeutic actions that can make your neurons do the happy dance and improve your overall health and well-being. Oh, but we're not done yet! Who needs Wolverine when you've got the power of liquorice? Yep, you heard it right. Glycyrrhizin, a compound found in this sweet treat, not only kicks SARS viruses to the curb but also knows a thing or two about regenerating liver mass and function. That's right, folks, liquorice isn't just for satisfying your sweet tooth anymore. It's here to save your liver and make you feel like a superhero.

Remyelinating Compounds

Liver Regeneration… But wait, there's more! We've got a whole line-up of liver Regenerating substances ready to blow your mind. We're talking about the real deal here, folks. These substances are like little miracles for your liver, making it bounce back from a hepatectomy like it's nobody's business. It's like watching a phoenix rise from the ashes, but in a liver Regeneration kind of way. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride. Whether it's remyelinating compounds, the power of music, or liquorice-induced liver regeneration, we're here to show you that healing and regenerating your body can be done in the most unexpected and exciting ways. Who said science had to be boring? Let's make regeneration the new cool kid on the block! Watch out, liver problems! There's a new superhero in town! Meet glycyrrhizin, the mighty compound found in liquorice that not only fights off SARS viruses like a pro, but also has the incredible ability to sprout new liver cells like a botanical magician. And guess what? It's not alone in this epic quest to rejuvenate your liver. Joining forces are a squad of other liver-loving substances, ready to elevate your liver's mass and function to superhero levels. These include:

  • Rooibos
  • Carvacrol (a volatile compound in oregano)
  • Vitamin E
  • Korean Ginseng
  • Curcumin

Hormone Regeneration… Let’s unlock the hidden secrets of your endocrine glands! We've got a double act for you, folks. First up, we have the secretagogues ready to pump up those glands, making them release hormones like there's no tomorrow! But hold your applause, because we've also got the hormone heroes, swooping in to save the day when our precious hormones start to degrade, turning into pesky "transient hormone" metabolites that sound eerily like a wannabe villain. Enter vitamin C, the superhero electron donor that breathes new life into estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and their hormone buddies. It's like a resurrection party for our hormones! Our trusty sidekick, vitamin C, is not alone in this battle for hormone harmony. Oh no, it pairs up with gland-friendly foods, like those ovaries' best friends, to deliver a one-two punch. Together, they are the dynamic duo, ready to take on hormone replacement therapy. Move over, HRT, because we've got a natural alternative that's as refreshing as a glass of fresh orange juice on a summer's day. So, people, gather 'round and witness the magic of hormone Regeneration. It's a spectacle that combines vitamins, superheroes, and glands, all in a grand performance destined to leave you cheering for more. Get ready to say goodbye to hormone degradation and hello to a revitalised, hormone-filled life!

Joint, Spine & Cartilage Regeneration… Curcumin and resveratrol, the spine-saving dynamic duo! These bad boys have been scientifically proven to speed up recovery from spinal cord injury. And hold your horses, folks, because there are over a dozen other natural compounds itching to show off their Regenerative powers. But hey, we're not stopping there! If you've got creaky joints and the osteo-arthritis blues, hang in there! There are 50 potentially Regenerative substances that have been researched with regards to Joint, Spine & Cartilage Regeneration. Some of these include: Boswellia, Quercetin, Frankincense, Pine Bark Extract, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Now, let's talk about the real danger here. Regenerative medicine is so powerful that it's got the big shots in the medical industry shaking in their lab coats. You see, they've built this whole system on symptom suppression. It's their golden ticket to endless profits! Keeping you sick and reliant on their drugs is their bread and butter.

But here's the kicker – Regenerative medicine threatens to bring the whole house of cards crashing down. Because when your body starts regenerating and healing itself, it's like a big ol' slap in the face to the pharmaceutical industry. Suddenly, the perpetuation of disease and the creation of new symptoms become a thing of the past. It's a non-sustainable, growth model straight out of a horror movie. We can liberate our bodies and free our souls! By embracing diets, lifestyles, and attitudes that promote Regeneration, we can break free from this vicious cycle. It's time to interrupt this pathological circuit and attain the bodily freedom we deserve. So, let's stick it to the man and show the world what true healing really looks like! Go ahead! Unleash your inner Regeneration warrior!

Cardiac Cell Regeneration

Cardiac Cell Regeneration… Once upon a time, the poor old cardiac tissue was thought to be completely hopeless when it came to regeneration. It felt like the black sheep of the tissue family, forever incapable of sprucing itself up. But, hold on to your stethoscopes, because a sassy batch of experimental research has come storming in to prove that those naysayers were dead wrong! Who are these fearless superheroes of heart-tissue regeneration, you ask? They go by the name of neocardiogenic substances. These bad boys have the power to kick-start the formation of cardiac progenitor cells, which can transform into the stuff dreams are made of - healthy heart tissue. Can I get a "Hallelujah" from the cardiac gallery? Let's take a gander at the star-studded line-up of neocardiogenic substances, shall we? First up, we have Resveratrol, the grape's hidden gem that turns back the clock on your ticker.

Then we have Siberian Ginseng, a.k.a. Eleuthero, your heart's personal trainer, pumping life back into every single beat. As if that wasn't fabulous enough, we've got Red Wine Extract strutting its stuff, proving once and for all that it's more than just a fine accompaniment to a candlelit dinner. Another one is Geum Japonicum, which waltzes in like a heart-whisperer, coaxing those precious cells into regeneration. And N-Acetyl-Cysteine pops up, complete with its repair toolkit, making cardiac miracles happen left and right. Now, hold onto your pulse points, because this next bit is mind-boggling. Brace yourselves for the tale of foetomaternal trafficking of stem cells through the placenta. That's right, folks, we're talking about the foetus, that adorable bundle of joy, lending a hand to its dear old mother. Through a magical process called "foetal microchimerism," the foetus bestows its mighty stem cells upon the mother, allowing her to Regenerate her damaged heart cells. And who knows, maybe even a whole bunch of other cell types too. Talk about a generous baby! So, next time someone tells you the heart can't catch a break then just give them a smirk and a wink. Because our cardiac tissue has the power of Regeneration, thanks to these extraordinary neocardiogenic substances and the incredible bond between mama and baby.

Beta-Cell Regeneration… Sadly, the medical world is too busy chasing after costly stem cell treatments, islet cell transplants, and a slew of synthetic meds in the works, all while ignoring the potential diabetes-reversing powers of Mother Nature. While billions pour into these research ventures each year, little do they know that the secret to curing type 1 diabetes has been hiding in our kitchen cupboards and backyard gardens all along. These fabulous compounds, proven in experimental studies, have the power to revive those poor insulin-producing beta cells that get annihilated in insulin dependent diabetes. And once these little heroes are back in action, there's a glimmer of hope that patients might regain their health to the point where insulin replacement becomes a thing of the past. These miracle components include:

  • Vitamin D
  • Gymenna Sylvestre (the destroyer of sugar)
  • Avocado
  • Black Cumin
  • Curcumin (from Turmeric)
  • Arginine
  • Berberine (present in bitter herbs such as Barberry and Goldenseal)
  • Stevia
  • Bitter Melon
  • Corn Silk
  • Chard (yes, the green leafy veggies)
  • Sulphoraphane (particularly concentrated in broccoli)

“Nature is all abundant...Nature suggests hope, joy, abundance, belief, regeneration, allowance, sharing, love, beauty and acceptance.” - Sanchita Pandey, Lessons from My Garden