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Celtic Sea Salt - A Superfood

27 May 2023
Celtic Sea Salt - A Superfood
Celtic Sea Salt is Superfood and we've been supplying it at Ancient Purity since we began. I learned about it in an old book my grandmother had I think called Salt & Your Health, sorry I can't remember the author but it was the first step in learning that Salt could actually be good for you, vital for you. I've been using it myself since and when we started in 2011 it was one of the first products I bought in. The sea minerals and clay found in salt flats give natural Celtic Sea Salt its light grey colour. This salt is particularly beneficial because the clay ionises the minerals present in it. It has a unique flavour that is highly regarded in the culinary world, making it the preferred option for many. Even when stored in a cool place for an extended period, the salt remains moist to the touch. Light grey Celtic sea salt is dried naturally using only the sun and wind, and it does not undergo any processing or refinement. This makes it the ideal coarse salt for cooking purposes.

We are the Land: North American Indian Views of Nature – First Nation People

24 May 2023
We are the Land
The fundamental idea embedded in Native American life is that "We are the Land." The Earth is not a separate entity from ourselves, but rather, it is a significant, dynamic, and real part of our being. This knowledge is not associated with romanticized sentiments towards nature, but rather, it is a matter of fact that is known from infancy and remembered at levels of awareness beyond consciousness. Forest Bathing practices in North America, Australia, and New Zealand promote the recognition of ancestral lands, acknowledgement of historical wrongdoings, and the recognition of indigenous people's symbiotic relationship with nature. Despite a decrease in perceptions of connection with nature in modern Western society, studies have shown that a high level of nature-connectedness is beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as environmental behaviour.

Alleviate Asthma Naturally

23 May 2023
Alleviate Asthma Naturally
Asthma inflames the airways, affecting approximately 300 million individuals worldwide, with the incidence rate increasing by 50% every decade and causing over 180,000 deaths per year. The exact cause of Asthma can vary, but viral infections, allergens, tobacco smoke, exercise, stress, and obesity are known risk factors that can trigger or worsen symptoms. Childhood "waxs" and their timing have also been linked to some cases of Asthma. However, several studies indicate that exclusive breastfeeding during the first three months after birth reduces Asthma risk by 30% due to the immunomodulatory properties of breast milk. For those currently suffering from Asthma, there are natural remedies that can help relieve symptoms. Below are some proven ways to do so.

Live & Breathe

22 May 2023
Live & Breathe

"The Truly Healthy environment is not merely safe but stimulating."
- William H. Stewart, Environmental Science and Technology, February 1968

Ah breath and air are my world, sunshine and waves. This collection comes from around 2006, I had lot's of notes in books and on my old computer, saved in drafts. I can update it all now.

An Introduction to Shamanism

22 May 2023
An Introduction to Shamanism

“Is everybody in? Is everybody in? Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin. The entertainment for this evening is not new, you've seen this entertainment through and through you have seen your birth, your life, your may recall all the rest. Did you have a good world when you died? - Enough to base a movie on??”
These were Jim Morrison’s words. I’ve always been a huge Doors fan and it was Morrison who first introduced me to the mysterious world of Shamanism. Let’s have a closer look at this fascinating ancient practice…