Blog & Guides


An Introduction to Homeopathy - A Beginners Guide

1 September 2023
Introduction to Homeopathy
Homeopathy, a centuries-old system of alternative medicine, has gained a significant following and continues to pique the curiosity of those seeking natural and holistic healing solutions. Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like" and the use of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's innate healing abilities.

Fulvic Acid Minerals & Heavy Metals

1 September 2023
Fulvic Acid Minerals & Heavy Metals
Drop the beat, because we're about to dive into the world of heavy metals! These bad boys are like the rock stars of the periodic table, with their high atomic weights and notorious reputation. But hold on tight, because not all heavy metals are created equal. First up, we've got the essential heavy metals. They're on the A-list of the metal scene, including copper, cobalt, iron, and more.

Celtic Sea Salt & Weight Loss

31 August 2023
Celtic Sea Salt & Weight Loss
The ancient gift of the oceans... Celtic Sea Salt emerges as a potent ally in the pursuit of weight loss. Unlike its processed counterparts, this natural treasure from the pristine coastal regions of France carries within it a symphony of essential minerals and trace elements that harmonise with our body's intricate systems. Celtic Sea Salt's remarkable mineral composition, enriched with magnesium, potassium, and calcium, presents a multi-faceted approach to weight management.

Costa Rica: My Enchanting Escape into Nature's Arms

30 August 2023
Costa Rica
Wouldn’t you like to step away from the mundane and embark on an unforgettable eco-adventure in the lush embrace of Costa Rica? This tropical paradise is bursting with biodiversity and endless natural treasures. I explored this awe-inspiring, small Central American nation in 2002, and man! What a great time I had! Costa Rica is stunningly nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

Unveiling Royal Jelly's Powerful Benefits

29 August 2023
Unveiling Royal Bee Jelly
Stanford University scientists have stumbled upon something truly mesmerising: Royalactin, the Royal Jelly's secret weapon responsible for turning the queen bee into a growth titan. But guess what? This enchanting protein doesn't stop there! It also possesses the magical ability to keep a mouse’s embryonic stem cells forever young by thwarting their pesky inclination to grow up and become tissue.