Blog & Guides


The Sun – Provider of Life

22 May 2023
The Sun – Provider of Life
Throughout history and across various cultures and religions, Sun worship has taken many forms, including sacrificial practices and architectural constructions. Deities associated with the Sun have frequently been central to their respective belief systems. Notable examples of prominent Sun worship include the Inti God of the Incas in Peru, the Nabateans' Dushara in Jordan's Petra city, and Shintoism's Amaterasu in Japan.

Mangosteen for Skin & Beauty

22 May 2023
Mangosteen for Skin & Beauty
Mangosteen, also known as the Queen of Fruits, is a small, tropical fruit that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits. The fruit is native to Southeast Asia and is famous for its sweet and tangy taste, as well as its remarkable antioxidant properties. I personally love it, I had no idea what it was back in 2003 when I went to Thailand and discovered these incredible fruits, for me it was Jackfruit, Mangosteen and Rambutan. They were my new Superfruits, but it's taken time to really understand these fruits and their true power.

How to use an EDTA Supplement

21 May 2023
How to use an EDTA Supplement
When I first took EDTA I really had to search and ask to get some real advice on how to use it. I can now say I know how to use it... for me, we will all respond differently. But at least I can talk from experience and I did so much learning on this that it should serve you in some way. First off EDTA stands for Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. It is a water-soluble molecule that can bind to various metal ions in a reversible way. It is mainly used as a chelating agent, which means that it can form a complex with metal ions by enclosing them within its ring structure.

Eczema – The Natural Path Out

16 May 2023
The Natural Path Out
Eczema is not a single condition but a group of skin conditions with various types such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, hand eczema, neurodermatitis, nummular eczema, and stasis dermatitis. Eczema is common in young children and is becoming more prevalent, a bit like everything else!. Although some may outgrow it, it can come and go throughout life. Identifying triggers and learning how to treat eczema is vital. Many causes and risk factors contribute to eczema such as genetics, allergies, dry or sensitive skin, immune system dysfunction, environmental conditions, chronic stress, and temperature changes.

Stretching for Circulation

16 May 2023
Stretching for Circulation
Stretching is essential, you know this, it's a simple part of a healthy lifestyle, I go through phases where I miss the gym and do no Yoga, but I always keep stretching. It really can be used to improve circulation, in fact I'd say along with Nitric Oxide and Cacao it's incredible, you get focus on certain areas and improve circulation all over. By stretching regularly (I like daily) you can increase blood flow to the muscles, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall circulation.