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Cramp Bark Traditional Uses & Pregnancy

20 June 2023
Cramp Bark Traditional Uses & Pregnancy
Welcome to a deep post about a very Ancient, Functional Herb. In case you have suffered from menstrual cramps, uterine cramps resulting from a threatened miscarriage, miscarrying or after delivery pains; you may find it beneficial to discover the ancient, historical abilities of Cramp Bark. This amazing herb, also known as Guelder Rose, Water Elder, European Cranberry bush, and Snowball Tree, boasted many health benefits. It originates from Europe and Asia, and the prominent part employed consists of its bark. I made some the other week, mixed in my favourite Bush Apple Syrup. Interesting decoction, I'll explain at the base how I made it. It was also on a Friday night, I have a post about these wild nights of Tea on the Blog

Muntjac's Spirit Animals at Ancient Purity

19 June 2023
Muntjac's Spirit Animals
Muntjac Deers are a regular feature at Ancient Purity, wonder round the back of our place you'll see them, the drive on the country road to us you can see them pop their heads up. It's always a quick moment but it is magic, I never get bored of these unique creatures jumping about. The Muntjac, are a petite deer with short, horn-like antlers, they originate from Asia but has been introduced to both Europe, the Americas and most importantly they are here at Ancient Purity. Life here is very natural and very supernatural and so is the Muntjac, I always took a massive interest in Deers, I just find them such beautiful creatures. But over time here I've wanted to know more about them. At Ancient Purity we've worked on the Feng Shui of the place, we've put real effort into understanding the energy and life around us. So from the Bats, the Birds, the Muntjacs and other animals right outside our door I want to know the meaning on these creatures and our relationship to them, beyond science and reason. This is all my notes, research and thoughts on these animals and why I think it's relevant.

The Mythical Dragon Fruit

17 June 2023
The Mythical Dragon Fruit
I’m a huge fan of the delicious Dragon Fruit, which I buy daily at the fresh food market here in Chiang Mai. If eaten prematurely, Dragon Fruit tastes insipid and somewhat tart. However, when fully ripened, their flavour becomes faintly sweet and syrupy. To me ripe Dragon Fruit tastes like a blend of kiwi, pear, and watermelon. The flavour is quite subtle, with a slightly earthy undertone.

Celtic Sea Salt - The Healthy Table Salt Alternative

17 June 2023
Healthy Table Salt Alternative
Since 2020 I’ve been using Celtic Sea Salt, after Tom introduced it to me. I use it in nearly all dishes I cook. And Man! It is delicious too! Let me try to explain why Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt is the best salt available on this planet. Once you’ve tried it, you’re sold! Celtic Sea Salt has become known as the pinnacle of the salt world and is often regarded as the best salt money can buy. This special salt is naturally harvested from the pristine coast of Brittany, France near the Celtic Sea and is never processed or stripped of any minerals or natural elements. This is why it's known as the "Whole Salt". Oh I also adopted the hack he told me about, I think there's an article on it, putting a little bit of Celtic Sea Salt on your tongue. As someone who forces himself to drink water more often I absolutely loved this tip, I feel hydrated more, I make effort to drink water but this makes it easy to stay hydrated. Living in the tropics this obviously extra important.

The Third Eye – A Mystical Concept

16 June 2023
The Third Eye
Yeah! Let’s talk about spirituality and Enlightenment. This article’s main topic is The Third Eye, which is a mystical concept that refers to an invisible eye located in the centre of your forehead, just above the eyebrows. It is often associated with spirituality, mysticism, and psychic abilities, and is believed to have the power to see beyond the physical world.